Evacuation Guide

Evacuation Guide

Know Your Evacuation Zone & View Current Evacuation Status

Know your zone

View Current Evacuation & Wildfire Status

Information About the Above Maps

Application NameIntended Use/ Audience/ CapabilitiesWeb URL
Know Your Evacuation Zone
(Shown above)
This map is designed so the user can type in either an address or zone number, and the map will zoom into the area. It is primarily designed to educate community members on where their zones are located. Residents can also sign up for Code Red alerts through this site.

This map contains embedded links to the Status Viewer map, which is designed to show the actual evacuation status when/ if an order exists.
Trinity County Wildfire & Evacuation Status Viewer
(Shown above)
This map contains the latest wildfire information & evacuation zone orders for applications used by Trinity County, Ca. The web map has options to toggle any base map on & off, hosts live feed layers from Caltrans regarding; Road closures, air quality & USA Wildfire Incident status & perimeters in addition to our managed evacuations status and hosted base map layers.https://arcg.is/1nnvmD2
Trinity County Evacuations Mobile AppThis mapping application is designed so the user can view evacuation status orders & location information/ topography from a mobile device. The intended audience is primarily wildfire professionals, firefighters, and sheriff’s office. The purpose of this application is to provide a quick reference for evacuation status & location from a mobile device.https://arcg.is/1TiuOv0