Neighborhood Ambassador
Neighborhood Ambassador Program

The Neighborhood Ambassador Program is an innovative initiative that aims to promote community engagement and wildfire preparedness throughout Trinity County. This program trains volunteers to serve as ambassadors in their neighborhoods and to coordinate workshops or workdays for Firewise and Fire Safe activities. The Neighborhood Ambassador Program is open to residents who are interested in helping create safer and more resilient communities. Ambassadors receive training and support from TCRCD staff, as well as access to a range of resources and materials to help them educate and engage their neighbors.
Through this program, ambassadors play a critical role in promoting wildfire prevention and preparedness throughout the region. They help to educate their neighbors on topics such as creating defensible space, home hardening, evacuation planning, and emergency preparedness. Ambassadors also serve as a liaison between their communities and TCRCD, helping to identify needs and opportunities for additional support and resources.
Neighborhood Ambassadors must complete an initial interview and orientation with the Trinity County Fire Safe Council Coordinator prior to start. The annual commitment for ambassadors is to attend one Trinity County Fire Safe Council Meeting and organize/co-lead one neighborhood Firewise event or workday a year. Trinity County Fire Safe Council leaders will support and contribute to development of events and workdays.
Overall, the Neighborhood Ambassador Program is a powerful tool for promoting community engagement and wildfire preparedness in Trinity County. Please apply at this link if you are interested in becoming a Neighborhood Ambassador: