Firewise Communities

Firewise Communities

Safeguard your Home

The Firewise Communities program is a guide for communities to organize and take action to reduce wildfire risk. Some benefits of becoming a Firewise community are:

  • Receiving resources and training to become more fire safe
  • Increasing the insurability of property
  • Creating partnerships with emergency responders

Firewise communities must be led by a board or committee of community volunteers. This group will determine what the boundaries of the community are. A community must be between 8 and 2,500 dwellings to be eligible. Once this group is created, it must work with TCRCD to complete a community wildfire risk assessment. This assessment must identify areas there has been successful fire risk reduction and areas vulnerable to wildfire risk. After this, the group will continue to work with TCRCD to create a three-year action plan that identifies existing wildfire risk and creates prioritized goals to reduce risk.

Actions must be taken on the plan annually. Each site must invest one volunteer hour per dwelling in wildfire risk reduction actions or the equivalent monetary value to that number of hours, based on the value of volunteer time as determined by the Independent Sector. The communities of Big Bar & Big Flat, Burnt Ranch, Coffee Creek, Douglas City, Hawkins Bar, Hayfork, Hyampom, Junction City, Lewiston, Mad River, Post Mountain, Salyer, Trinity Center, and Weaverville are current Firewise communities.

Firewise Community Certificates

Click on the images below to download a pdf of the certificate and map for each community.

Big Bar
Big Bar Map
Burnt Ranch
Burnt Ranch Map
Coffee Creek
Coffee Creek Map
Douglas City
Douglas City Map
Hawkins Bar
Hawkins Bar Map
Hayfork Map
Hyampom Map
Junction City
Junction City Map
Lewiston Map
Mad River
Mad River Map
Post Mountain
Post Mountain Map
Salyer Map
Trinity Center
Trinity Center Map
Weaverville Map